Levels of training

Transportation is the circulatory system the living organisms of economy and society, and plays a major role in the European integration process. Attending the course you can obtain the required knowledge of the preparation, operation and control of shipping and passenger transport processes; can make yourself familiar with the planning, tools, technology of road transport, railway, navigation and urban public transport; the economic and commercial tasks of transportation; characteristics of shipping-, logistics- or packaging-related activities.
Transport Engineering graduates will be capable of surveying, recognising and studying transport and shipping demand; planning, developing and operating of transport, shipping and logistics systems; selecting and operating vehicles, machines and devices taking part in the transport process while paying special attention to efficiency, transport safety, protection of the environment and power management.

After your successful graduation you can become a Transport Engineer mastering comprehensive knowledge that stands a good chance of finding a job at transport companies, shipping and logistics businesses and on other fields related to transport and shipping.

Széchenyi István University offers Transport Engineering courses on university and college level, and on BSc level since 2005.

  • Course:
  • Head of Course:
  • Curriculum:



Bachelor of Science
Prof. István Prileszky
BSc level



Master of Science
Prof. Péter Holló
MSc level



Bachelor of Science (E-learning)
Prof. István Prileszky
BSc level

Special knowledge of a given field of transport is relayed within the various professional lines.

Information on distant learning: Distant Learning and Professional Training Centre

More information on transport, the transport engineering course, education and student life can be found under the following links in Hungarian and on the websites of the two Departments carrying out professional training.

KTE Junior Association, Informatics Laboratory, Student relations

Department of Transport, Department of Logistics and Shipping

European Transport Policy, Hungarian Transport Policy


Széchenyi István University

Department of Transport

H-9026 Győr Egyetem tér 1.

Building B. room number B504

Tel.: +36 96 503-494   Fax.: +36 96 613-561

Email: kozlekedes@sze.hu