
The Infrastructure of the Department of Transport


Due to the special field of the Department its educational and research infrastructure primarily consists of computer applications and related hardware elements. Owing to the practice-oriented past there is a unique Transport Simulation Laboratory managed by the Department which enables the simulation of railway transport systems mainly.

The computer-aided and computerised systems of the Department of Transport are located either in the Transportation Informatics Laboratory:

- Visum transportation planning software

- Vissim transport simulation software

- Cube transportation planning software

or in the Transport Simulation Laboratory:

- OpenTrack railway simulation software

- Viriato railway planning software


The Department of Transport obtained a complex passenger counter and interviewer system in late 2010 due to the "Új Magyarország Fejlesztési Terv TIOP 1.3.1" project (a national project for the development of Hungary).


Széchenyi István University

Department of Transport

H-9026 Győr Egyetem tér 1.

Building B. room number B504

Tel.: +36 96 503-494   Fax.: +36 96 613-561
